First Talk - Information Graphics Class at ACU

Recently I was asked by my former professor Ryan Feerer to give a talk to his information graphics class at my Alma Mater – ACU. I was hesitant at first to accept, but what was there to lose (besides making a fool of myself). I took Ryan up on it as long as he would take blame if the talk sucked. He asked me to speak on working and living in Santa Fe, current projects I'm designing, and what my plans are for the future. I decided to put up the slides from that talk below. Of course they don't make much sense without the talking included, but they are divided into the 3 main speaking points – What Up (working and living in Santa Fe), Current Projects, and Plans For The Future (Reading University MATD). Maybe you can follow the progression and talk without the words ;)

I thoroughly enjoyed speaking to the class and was surprised at how many great questions they had at the end. A few questions were along the lines of: "How would you suggest to prepare for a job like what you had at Cisneros Design?" or "What do you wish you had learned or studied more of while you were in school at ACU?". Another student asked me about the books or magazines I'm reading currently to prepare for Reading and my future in design. An open discussion on these resources will be covered in my next post.  


Slides from the presentation